Annual Maintenance Contract / Repair

Annual HVAC maintenance is the key to maximizing performance for optimal comfort and energy efficiency. Here’s a guide to maintaining HVAC equipment:

Maintain the Air ducts & filter:

Maintain the AC:

Schedule Annual HVAC Maintenance with Technofreez

Many of the tasks listed above require help from a professional. The heating and cooling experts at Technofreez offer annual services to meet all your HVAC maintenance needs. The best way to maximize your results is to sign up for the Technofreez Annual Maintenance Contract. This way, you enjoy priority pricing, scheduled performance tune-ups, and preferred customer status, along with all the other benefits of routine HVAC maintenance.

Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)

Types of ServicesCoverage
Comprehensive4-6 Services, repairs including spare parts*
Non- Comprehensive4-6 Services, repairs and spare parts on actual cost*
FeatureTechnofreez Service Delivery Schedule
1st Service3rd Month
2nd Service6th Month
3rd Service9th Month
 12th Month – Complimentary Service